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‘Evil’ 4×06 Review: “How To Dance in Three Easy Steps”

‘Evil’ 4×06 Review: “How To Dance in Three Easy Steps”

If any episode of television was ever created specifically with Yours Truly in mind, Evil 4×06 has got to be it. Take everything that always works so well about this series, mix it with some really great choreography and dance performances throughout, and yeah. This is so my episode. So, to be a big ol’ dance nerd for a quick bit before going into the “usual” sort of review, the particular style and flavor of movement is so perfect here. It’s the right combination of weird and sensual to get the message of “something’s not right here” across, to offend David’s good Catholic sensibilities while giving Ben that kind of “what am I watching” face, while maintaining this sort of…heightened satirical tone that this series does so well. And all of that happens without demeaning the dancers’ hard work or making it completely unbelievable that Kristen would be so enthralled.

Oh. And don’t get me started on name-dropping Gaga (not the pop star) during that whole witchy, “womenfolk dancing in the woods in the moonlight” sequence either. Is there an extended cut somewhere? What about rehearsal footage? And why is Katja Herbers able to so casually put her leg up on that barre and have her placement look way better than my cruddy back and hips ever want to allow me to have without me putting in a ton of effort???? (Rude, actually!)

…not so sure if any of those sentences were actual sentences at this point. Oops.

TL;DR I so very much identify with Kristen when she dances along in that audience. And her boys are, essentially, society at large. Or, you know, some of the lame friends — sorry, not sorry to them — I’ve brought with me to contemporary performances in the past. While we’re at it: I 100% volunteer as tribute to work with choreographer Lisa Shriver on a piece to perform 24/7 until someone saves Evil. Just saying! My out-of-shape…eh, everything…will gladly suffer for a good cause!

…anyway. Y’all came here to talk TV. Let’s do that.

“Because when women go against their accepted roles, the Church labels them as possessed or witches.”

Evil 4x06
L-R Katja Herbers as Kristen Bouchard and Stella Everett as Isabella appearing in Evil episode 6, season 4, streaming on Paramount+, 2023. Photo Credit: Elizabeth Fisher/Paramount+

If you were paying attention, you probably don’t need us to say this, but we’re going to anyway. Evil 4×06 basically screams “women!!!” And we’re here for that, especially since the hour has the perfect blend of being very direct in its messaging and making us think. Looking at Katherine Orlander’s case and the types of patriarchal nonsense it reminds us is still in charge of far too much, things aren’t as much of a simple “this bad, that good” as most folks would prefer. On the surface, Father Dominic isn’t completely wrong to ask the assessors to look into the dance troupe. After all, Katherine dropped dead in the middle of an exorcism, which was supposed to cure her of all the 24/7 dancing. Then, her body went through an accelerated decaying process…and the sigil from one of the supposedly-vanquished demon houses manifested itself on her ankle.

So, ok. Demon activity…some sort of tie to dancing. Investigate the dancers closest to the victim…there’s logic here! Therefore, one can almost forgive Father Dominic for being so convinced the demon sigil must have come from the dance company. But only almost. Because, first of all, he’s accusing a bunch of women of being witches, yet can’t bring himself to say the word. Supposedly, he’s worried about accusations of witchcraft being too “political.” Hm. Yeah. All those bogus “trials” killing women for no good reason will kinda do that. But anyway, the “it’s too political” excuse is just that — an excuse. He has to know, somewhere deep down, that he’s in the wrong here.

And then, there’s this:

“Why? You have no concern about keeping women from abortion or birth control. I mean…why stop now.”

Here we have Kristen Bouchard, icon, being like “repro rights!!!!” We also have Katja Herbers with the perfect delivery. We thank both her, and her character, for this moment. Because, uh, it is. A moment.

…continuing on.

Between the circumstantial evidence and Father Dominic’s insistence, we spend the majority of Evil 4×06 with everything pointing toward Isabella being, well, evil. But why, other than because Megan — who plays the damsel in distress, only to turn out to be the actually demonic one — says so? Well, let’s see. She’s strong, defiant, embraces her sexuality and, uh, draws Kristen’s out, enjoys spending time in the company of other women instead of playing her good, little girl role for the men, and…isn’t into the whole church thing. None of this is allowed. So, clearly, dark and spooky forces are to blame.

(See also: Society’s absolute demonization of Madonna…or just about any young, female pop star since. Same warped thinking. And I have neither the time nor the energy to get into the absurd way some of y’all respond to kids’ dancewear and/or recitals. But just…get a grip.)


The really thought-provoking thing about how Evil 4×06 handles all of this, though — aside from, you know, actually putting dance on the screen for your friendly neighborhood reviewer to want to pick apart for hours — is that what Isabella and the rest of her troupe do does have a supernatural element to it. The muse. Of course. It makes perfect sense to think that artistic expression might come from someplace beyond us, and that it might not even be a human place. Art transcends, after all.

“Everything you don’t understand, Father…isn’t demonic.”

But for someone like David, nothing his faith has taught him allows for the muse to be anything other than wrong. He’s in the middle of trying to figure out where that demon sigil on Katherine’s ankle came from, and here’s this…thing that other people can’t see. It’s something he can’t explain, which happens to show up when he’s already in a very uncomfortable place. Meanwhile, one can’t help but be like “ok but so what” even if we were dealing with witchcraft. What makes the magic that brings a bunch of women together and allows them to express themselves with their bodies bad while what David does in Evil 4×06 is deemed “good”? Why can’t we see both as God-given gifts?

Hm. Actually, let’s talk about that.

“I am harmed by this work.”

Mike Colter as David Acosta appearing in Evil episode 6, season 4, streaming on Paramount+, 2023. Photo Credit: Elizabeth Fisher/Paramount+

Evil 4×06 sees David once again in the unenviable position of having to save the clerics with nothing more than coordinates. This time, the visions are even more powerful and more intrusive than ever before. First, the place where Katherine’s exorcism takes place completely falls away, revealing the terrified nuns and priest. When David gets violently sent back into his own place and time, he’s every bit as shocked and in awe as the situation calls for. It’s like he can’t believe he’s there. Maybe, even, he’s still at least partially stuck in that other place. Or, maybe, what he does next is his way of trying to desperately hold onto it.

No surprise that Kristen notices something is off. So, of course, she checks in on David and asks if he’s ok…only for him to take her hand and start the song back up again, in the here and now. (Or is he really here? The mannerisms we see here are David; but they also…are very not him.) Everything gets so quiet. David’s voice is so soft, and even the way he takes Kristen’s hand is so very careful. We barely even hear the rest of the action in the room, and the camera’s focus is very much on David and Kristen alone. It’s one of those “world fades away” moments, but it’s not for them. Not really, at least.

The moment is so beautifully shot and acted, but what comes later almost makes it look like nothing. Obviously, the later scene we’re referencing here is the one that interrupts Isabella’s non-confession. That, in itself, is an absolutely fascinating sort of turn of events. To recap the above section a bit: Father Acosta is convinced he saw something demonic during Isabella’s performance; but she reminds him that just because he can’t explain something doesn’t mean it’s demonic. But there’s yet another layer to discuss here, and that focuses on David’s experiences and abilities, specifically.

Because something David still doesn’t quite understand, something he knows makes him feel all sorts of hate and anger if and when he steps inside a “bad” person, happens right at the same time he’s being told to expand his horizons. Additionally, that something results in murder/suicide (take your pick, as far as interpretation goes). Dance…does not. (In general, at least.) Isabella & Friends frolicking in the woods at night or putting on a sultry performance, on the other hand, makes them feel alive. Makes them feel good…and free. David, on the other hand, feels anything but.

So, back to David’s supernatural journeys. The second time around, David fights against “himself” as he inhabits General Girma. And he has to be both a bystander watching in horror and the one holding the knife as Girma chops off Father Adeso’s thumb. Back in the confessional, David prays, “God, please help me.” And God — or something — does help, at least temporarily. Girma lays down his weapon, and begins sobbing as the priest caresses his cheek…but the peace doesn’t last. Girma goes for his machete again, this time with the full implication he’s going to kill Father Adeso. But something makes him plunge the weapon into his own gut instead.

As we learn during his conversation with Father Dominic, David feels responsible — like he forced Girma to kill himself. Which, maybe he did! Interpretation’s a little fuzzy here…which is probably the point. Yet, David’s abilities are supposed to be good. Father Dominic tells him they’re helping him save good people. He even refuses to hear David’s confession because “no matter how it happened, it was God’s work.” So, case closed. No confession necessary! Let that sink in — possibly forcing a guy to off himself…is fine. Our very own Father Acosta certainly has a problem dealing with that one, though. Which is good. Questioning something like this, having a conscience, is good.

If Mike Colter’s performance during David’s first vision in Evil 4×06 is stunning — which, um. Hi. It most certainly is — then the only way to describe what he does in that confessional is, basically, “whatever goes so far above and beyond that as to make the exceptional look mundane.” If that makes any sense at all, which it probably doesn’t. (Where’s a good muse when you need one?) The way he fully portrays David’s reactions to everything, while physically doing this battle against himself — in a way that is somehow both David and not — is just…wow. Not only does Colter move his body with the skill of, well, a dancer, but the moment when David is moaning “no” over and over is one hell of a use of his voice. Yes, the very same voice that was so soft and beautiful earlier in the episode.

Just…insanely good.

…and the whole thing really does raise the question: Are we sure what David’s being asked to do is actually good? Or is it harming him both as much as he says — and more? There’s a scary thought.

More on Evil 4×06

L-R Katja Herbers as Kristen Bouchard, Mike Colter as David Acosta, Aasif Mandvi as Ben Shakir and Stella Everett as Isabella appearing in Evil episode 6, season 4, streaming on Paramount+, 2023. Photo Credit: Elizabeth Fisher/Paramount+
  • Spent the majority of my first watch-through of Evil 4×06 like “OK BUT WHO’S THE CHOREOGRAPHER.” Looks like social media may still have a positive use after all.
  • Utterly hooked from the start with Katherine dancing all over that cell. Just…the use of breath and continuous movement and suspension and and and. Jennifer Mogbock, you legend you. (And a terrifying one during the “demon” moments, at that. That sinister grin, though!)
  • “She dances til she collapses, and then she’s up again.” The dream!
  • Please tell me I’m not the only person on the planet who, at least once, thought: “A dancing demon! No, something isn’t right there…“
  • “You have too many AOLs.” The 90s called.
  • “Block the noise from your head,” followed by the abrupt transition to Kristen’s daughters being as noisy and chaotic as ever: also genius.
  • “That’s an odd occupation. My mom has an exorcism tonight” I mean, Grandma works for a demon so. Not a lot of room to talk there, Sheryl! (As of this point in the episode, we’re still mad at her ok.) Also: Did she for real, for real, plant Timothy’s bunny in the girls’ room so she’d have an excuse to come back like some kind of stalkerish online dating bro? SMDH.
  • The look Kristen gives David when he starts singing to her and it’s just the two of them…Herbers and Colter 100% had too much fun teasing us with that. Prove me wrong.
  • Love the scene where the trio is going over the sigil map. For one thing, tying everything back to it is genius, actually. Then, we have Kristen and Ben proving they are not at all afraid to challenge David. And every single non-verbal answer to the whole “vanquishing equals killing” dilemma he gives speaks volumes. Dude is just as concerned as they are — but can’t admit it out loud. (More greatness from Colter)
  • Not to mention, there’s this: “And we’re back with sigils again. No matter how far away we go, we always end up right back here.” Aasif Mandvi, king of “not this shi*t again” delivery.
  • “I don’t know.” “So who does.” And here, we have the very cool way the camera keeps Ben’s kinda pressing look in the background while we zoom in on David’s profile.
  • Chukwudi Iwuji really does a fantastic job with showing us just how afraid Father Dominic is of the idea that some of these demon families may be returning. Not only is his facial expression screaming “this is very bad, actually” as he walks away from David…but can we talk about the delivery on “if there are others, that is bad news”? Sounds like he has some particularly awful others in mind. What else does this man know????
  • Then, we have Iwuji like, bouncing on his feet with pure glee when David starts talking about his prison vision. And the way he throws himself into Colter’s arms??? So good.
  • “It’s a meta narrative. I’m invoking the tropes of the genre to ask questions of the genre.” Uh. Speaking of being meta AF…
  • Basically, whenever Dr. Boggs shows up now, I’m all “KURT!!!!” So, there’s that.
  • In my experience, no one has ever tried to literally light a fire under a dancer…but the exaggeration with this artistic director dude works. Especially since there are some high-key abusive folks out there in the dance world. (But #NotAll…or whatever.)
  • “We’re from HR. And I’m just about ready to film this bullsh*t.” “Ah. Are you feeling triggered, Madame?” “I’m feeling. Like you enjoy torturing your dancers.” “I enjoy precision. You do, too. Only you don’t want to know how it’s achieved.” This whole exchange. Herbers’ delivery. Kristen being very “let’s talk to the manager.” Worst person in the scene kinda having a point…all of it.
  • “Because you are with the Church. Aren’t you obsessed with the devil? And dance is evil, right?” That’s it. That’s the episode.
  • Also: “Where would we be without evil?” Isabella said, #SaveEvil. We stan.
  • Loathe that I have to censor this for the search engines to be kind to us and all, but like. Mike Colter screaming “f*cking piece of sh*t!!!!!!” every episode, please and thank you.
  • Kristen and Isabella are flirting during this whole waiting for an Uber scene, right? Right. (All the scenes. WTF.)
  • “Yeah, I’ve heard of those. Livings. How’s that going for you?” “You sound a little dismissive.” “I watched my parents make a living. Death sounded better” …I am in this conversation, and I do not like it.
  • “Why do you think she killed her daughters?” “Gosh, um…I don’t know…Maybe she didn’t want to be a mom anymore.” I have so, so many thoughts.
  • “It’s more like herding adorable cats.” Ahhh, baby ballet.
  • “They said that if I dare speak out again, I’ll dance with Katherine in Hell.” Ok so like. Can I speak out and go dance with her???
  • Not this baby laughing on “tragically! Their mother fell. Deathly ill.”
  • Can we just give Christine Lahti a high five for Sheryl’s very melodramatic “death”?
  • “Take off your shoes.” “Why?” “I want to see what your feet look like.” 1) Yep. Dancers are weirdly obsessed with feet in a way that seems like a fetish to outsiders. 2) Not so sure Isabella doesn’t actually have a fetish. 3) Definitely has a crush on Kristen. 4) Can Herbers have sizzling chemistry with fewer people so I can watch TV in peace or. (Never change.)
  • What I’m saying here is…Kristen/Isabella…will there be fic? Cuz, uh…kinda shipping it here.
  • “Once Katherine went down that path, she just saw everything as good or evil.” “It’s not?” Oh, David.
  • “She likes you.” (Something about a pot and kettle here. IDK.) “I would say more than likes you.” “Just doing my job, guys.” THAT LITTLE SHRUG. I hate them sometimes!
  • These kids really gave Kurt a bestseller. So sweet of them!
  • …but like. AI, really? SMDH.
  • “No. I’d love to hear. We’ve already hunted werewolves and demons. Are we now hunting witches?” Ben, king of snark.
  • Mom and Dad are fighting. 🙁
  • “I don’t know. Women are more…sensitive…which is a great quality. But it, perhaps, makes them more susceptible to manipulation.” Stop talking!
  • Kurt Fuller totally nails the “OMG I did a good thing!!!!! It didn’t suck!!!!! …and now, I do not know what are words to write” vibes. That blinking cursor is the real demon.
  • “When two or more men are gathered, it’s a church. When two or more women are gathered…it’s a coven.” 1) GO OFF. 2) LOVE the way the camera gets the REALLY up-close perspective on both characters here. 3) His. Eyes.
  • Lahti’s emotions when Sheryl realizes what happened with Andy and Laura. Evil Grandma redemption arc!
  • “LELAND!!!”
  • Really, just…the entirety of Sheryl destroying Leland’s place. Everything about it. The rage. And the way she just…turns a negative — accidentally cutting herself — into a positive. The message in blood on the floor? Perfection.
  • …can I come get some macaroni & cheese and dance with Kristen?
  • “Murder? Is God’s work.” The way David looks so absolutely disgusted as he whispers that last part…
  • “You just…surrender to your body’s desires.”
  • David’s reaction to seeing Kristen dancing with Isabella. Kristen’s “caught” expression. We are so in this.
  • Evil Grandma, just a dark shadow, with that knife. The way she says Leland’s name. Oh, wow. The power that that has, the intelligence that that has, the clearance that that has, the access that that has, the influence that that has, the profile that that has, the international implications that that has.

What did you think of Evil 4×06 “How To Dance in Three Easy Steps”? Leave us a comment!

New episodes of Evil stream Thursdays on Paramount+


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